Dear parents and carers
Thank you for your understanding this week as we have navigated both snow and icy conditions on the school site. Our site team have been working exceptionally hard to initially clear the snow, and later remove the ice from our extensive outdoor areas.
I am pleased to share that our intention is to open school to everyone tomorrow on Wednesday 14th December. This is the plan:
Year 7, 8 and 9 arrive at school at normal time through the Wilmer Way entrance and enter school through main reception. They go straight to form time. Break time will be spent in the sports hall. No outdoor play is permitted. They will have normal lessons up until 12.20 at which point will go for a staggered lunch and finish school at 1pm by the Wilmer Way exit.
Year 10 and 11 arrive at school at 11.20 through the Wilmer Way entrance and enter school through main reception. They will go straight to period 3 lessons. They will then go to their period 4 lesson at 12.20 as opposed to their usual lunch slot. Lunch will be taken at 1.20-2.10pm followed by period 5 and the school day will finish a little earlier at 3pm by the Wilmer Way exit. No outdoor play is permitted.
There will be no access to school through Powys Lane. Students are permitted to wear appropriate footwear with their uniform. These can be trainers or boots with a grip.
Appropriate behaviour in the snow
Students should not throw snow when at school or when in school uniform outside of school. Throwing snowballs can be fun but can also cause harm, especially where there is ice or grit in the snow or when someone is accidentally hit. Please remind your child that throwing objects, including snow, without intent to cause harm carries a sanction of a 30 minute detention and through with intent to cause harm can lead to internal exclusion or suspension. Students should behave sensibly on their way to and from school, and when at school.
This plan will be reviewed first thing tomorrow morning once we have arrived on site and checked the safety of the area after the overnight freeze. An email will be sent in the morning to confirm the arrangements.
Kind regards
Ms Christofi