Careers Independent advice and guidance
Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance, is an integral part of preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. The process of personal and social development begins at home and continues through school into adult life. IAG can help prepare for the choices, changes and transitions affecting young peoples’ future education, training and life as adult members of society.
At Broomfield School we believe that access to quality IAG is essential in ensuring that our learners make correct informed choices about their future career pathway. To support our students with this students at all Key Stages have access to the online careers package CASCAiD. At Key Stage 3 students are able to access Careerscape, a package that allows them to explore a variety of careers and the qualifications required to access them. At Key Stage 4 pupils have access to Kudos Inspire in addition to careers matching and information, Kudos Inspire offers extra features that raise the aspirations of 13-16 year olds. Kudos Inspire enables students to: identify suitable careers; explore their transferable skills; consider progression routes; identify gaps in their skills and subject choices; create a UCAS personal statement; produce education/career plans and build their own CV.
Our School Careers Adviser - is at the School twice a week to offer advise to pupils, she also arranges some fantastic careers focused events including the Aprenticeship Day events.
They can be contacted at or 020 8211 9024.