Admissions Explained
Broomfield School's admissions are managed by Enfield Council.
Broomfield is a non-selective school
The following guide will help to explain the processes that you need to complete to apply for your child to come to Broomfield.
Pre October
Register and apply on the eadmission website
Members of staff visit primary schools to meet with pupils joining the school in September
October 31st is the deadline for applications
Letter to new parents informing them of all the events that are to follow:
Taster day, Parents’ Evening and Enrolment Evenings
Enrolment Packs sent to parents
Local Authorities send Offer Letters Welcome letter for Head Teacher and invitation to Taster Day
Attend Taster Day and attend Induction Evening
Taster Day held for new pupils
All pupils entered on the school system, put in tutor groups and timetables ready for September start.
New Year 7 pupils start at Broomfield
All year 7 students do a CATs test and have their photos taken and up loaded to the school system. CATs (Cognitive Abilities Tests) are IQ tests that assess a range of skills. The tests look at reasoning with three types of symbols: words, numbers and shapes or figures, i.e. verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and Quantative reasoning.
If you are new to the area and want your child to come to Broomfield School or if you want to change from another local school then you will need to contact the Enfield Secondary Admission Services on 020 8379 1000 or by email to
Click here to acccess this information on the Enfield website.
In the event of over subscription we will offer places to applicants in this order:
Category 1.
Children in public care (looked after children) and all previously looked after children And then
Category 2.
Children who have a sibling at Broomfield School who is on our school roll at the time of the proposed admission.
And then
Category 3.
Children for whom Broomfield School is appropriate on exceptional medical grounds.
Applications under this criterion will only be considered if they are supported by an attached written statement from a doctor. This must demonstrate that there is a very specific connection between the child’s medical need and the school.
And then
Category 4. Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school concerned for two or more years at the time of application and/or children of a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
And then
Category 5. Other children Children living nearest to the school measured ‘as the crow flies’ that is in a straight line from the child’s permanent home address to the main entrance of the school (travel by private car or public transport not taken into account). ***
*** Permanent home address is the address where the child usually lives. When parents live separately, the home address will be where the child spends the majority of the school week.
If a child lives equally with both parents at different addresses, the home address will be the address of the main parent eligible to receive child benefit for the child.
See link above for full document
Appeals against non-admission are dealt with by an independent panel. Details of admission and appeal arrangements are published each year. Broomfield school is committed to the co-ordinated approach to admissions administered by the London Borough of Enfield.